Earth2Green Partners With Local US Green Building Council chapters to introduce Thomas Fire Rebuilding Resilience Initiative
In response to last winter’s devastating Thomas Fire and subsequent mudslides, Earth2Green has partnered with the US Green Building Council’s Los Angeles and Central Coast chapters to provide green building education and support to survivors of the natural disasters.
Those affected by the Thomas Fire will be eligible to receive free, one-on-one consultations with volunteer green building experts to help homeowners ensure that their homes will be rebuilt sustainably, including being energy efficient and more resilient to future natural disasters. Consultants are experienced in the following
- Fire (or other hazard) resistance strategies
- Energy efficiency strategies and rebates
- Solar thermal (hot water) systems
- Photovoltaic (PV) systems
- Energy storage
- Innovative uses of natural gas
- Water efficiency strategies
- Net Zero Energy
- Other green building design support
- LEED or GreenPoint Rated certification
Earth2Green USA and USGBC will hold the first volunteer training on August 17th at 9 AM at the Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator. Volunteers will be trained on green building, energy efficiency, and climate resiliency with regard to Ventura County policies. In addition, volunteers will be prepared to work sensitively with homeowners in the light of this disaster.